Sunday School

First Baptist Church of Anguilla is a family.  A Sunday School Class is a family within a family.  Our Sunday School program consists of small-group Bible studies for all ages.  A Sunday School class is a great place to grow in your walk with Christ, and get to know other believers who can help you in that journey. 

Adult IV Men (Ages 65-up)

Dr. Jimmy Porter



Adult IV Women (Ages 65-up)

Tommye Lynn Porter


Adult III (Ages 50-64)

Rocky Evans

10 Choices to change your life—what if it was true?  What if you could make these “10 Choices” and your life would be different? Not different like you’ll have mint-y fresh breath if you switch toothpaste —I’m talking radically different.   What if just one of these choices would change your relationships and for the rest of your life you’d experience the freedom of forgiveness? What if your first response to trials was always faith? What if you knew for a fact that your life was designed for great purpose and impact? Change like that.  That’s the kind of transformation God has proven He can do in our lives when we follow His prescription on life. And that’s what the book "10 Choices" is all about. Each of the 10 Choices can turn your life around. For real.

Many people see their lives playing out like a movie they cannot control. They have come to feel like spectators watching a story unfold, unable to stop the stampeding consequences. They feel the die is cast, and nothing they do can alter the outcome. James MacDonald believes that is a lie. In 10 Choices he says, while people are where they are in life because of the choices they've made, they don't have to stay there. This study is about getting beyond self-help and blame shifting and changing at the deepest and most profound level...the will.

  • Choice 1: I Choose God's Love
  • Choice 2: I Choose God's Forgiveness
  • Choice 3: I Choose Jesus Christ as Lord
  • Choice 4: I Choose the Bible as God's Word
  • Choice 5: I Choose to Forgive
  • Choice 6: I Choose to Trust
  • Choice 7: I Choose to Love My Family First
  • Choice 8: I Choose to Be Authentic
  • Choice 9: I Choose to Serve
  • Choice 10: I Choose to Stand

More than you or I would ever like to admit, we are where we are in life because of the choices we’ve made. Every step forward has been because of a good choice and every step backward has been because of a bad choice. If you have felt the weight of making bad decisions, if you long to make better choices that bring blessing and hope to you and those you love, then join us for this highly practical, impactful series that will prompt you to make the ten choices that are sure to change your life forever.




Adult II (Ages 30-49)

Craig Boykin

"Life is hard right now, and I just don't know what to do."

When life is hard—really hard—we often spend all our time pleading, begging, yelling, refusing, and questioning. While none of these things are necessarily unusual, they are missing the ultimate point. When life is hard, when things get ugly, when all hope seems to be lost; that is when we are able to display the superiority of God by leaning on His promises and truths.

Working his way through five questions we've all had run through our heads, trusted pastor James MacDonald helps us understand what we should do in the midst of trial:

  1. What kind of trial am I dealing with, and is God involved in it?
  2. Why am I experiencing this trial?
  3. What should I do in the midst of trial?
  4. Are God’s purposes really being fulfilled in this?
  5. Why won't this trial go away?

God told us to expect trials, so don’t be surprised when they come. Grow when they come. Find hope when they come.

He is right there, wanting to help you, direct you, sustain you. He is in your trial right now and He can use it to accomplish great things.  Find God's purpose in your pain and don't let bitterness, unbelief or discouragement rob you of the treasure God is refining in you.


Youth (7th - 12th Grade)

Lee & Misty Ross


Children (4th - 6th)

Becky Diffey







Children (1st - 3rd)

Sarah Cranford








Preschool (4 - 5 yr olds)

Randi Duggan














Shirley Davis & Yvonne Hampton